Sunday, January 31, 2016

Hello Fabulous Hair!

Hello Citizens!

Always wondering how to get a fabolous hair? Kita tau banget bahwa rambut itu merupakan mahkota bagi wanita. And who doesn't want a natural wavy hair every single day? We will show you how!

Tools that you might need:

Heat Protector
After washing your hair, jangan lupa untuk memakai hair heat protector yah untuk melindungi kesehatan rambut sebelum kamu ingin men-styling rambut

Hair Dryer
Make sure to dry your hair before styling your hair, untuk hasil maksimal sebelum mencatok rambut, pastikan rambut kalian kering sepenuhnya yah supaya tidak lepek

Curling Iron
Create your natural wavy hair with your best curling iron, untuk hasil yang lebih natural, pakai curling iron yang mempunyai diameter besar, sehingga hasilnya bukan keriting, tetapi berombak natural

Untuk menjaga bentuk rambut yang telah dicatok tetap sama sampai selesai men-styling rambut, roll rambut yang telah dicatok, lalu setelah semua rambut selesai dicatok, lepas seluruh roll-annya.

The Magic "Jedai"

Keep your fabulous hair all day long! jepit rambut kamu dengan jedai saat dibutuhkan (hasil catokan mulai loose)!

No more bad hair day, dear!


Color Repvblic

Sunday, January 17, 2016

[Do It Yourself] Avocado facial mask!


We just can’t get enough of the benefits from natural ingredients, so today, we will showing you how to make an easy natural DIY face mask using easy-to-get ingredients.

This mask will need you to prepare:

1 sendok teh alpukat
1 sendok teh plain yogurt
1 sendok teh madu

What is the benefit of this mask? So basically this mask will make your skin moisturize, lemak yang terkandung dalam alpukat dan yogurt bisa melembutkan kulit kamu dan juga asam dari yogurt can make your skin smooths, serta menghilangkan bekas jerawat dan meningkatkan produksi kolagen di kulit kamu. 

Bagi kalian yang selalu pake make-up dalam keseharian kalian, masker ini cocok banget untuk memberikan perawatan dan nutrisi bagi kulit kamu, and the most important things are this is chemical free and also affordable!

1.       Mix all the ingredients
Campur semua ingredients diatas, dan ingat alpukatnya harus dilumatkan sampai halus yah

2.       Put the mask all over your face
Balurkan masker secara merata yah!

3.       Wait until 20 minutes
Tunggu dan diamkan selama 20 minutes

4.       Clean your face with wet towel

And this mask actually works to give the smoothier effects for our skin, we did it before, and now it’s your turn. Have a nice day, Citizens!


Color Repvblic

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Happy New Year 2016!

How’s 2015? Is it amazing year for you? 

If yes, be thankful
If not, learn from the past, and make this year unforgettable

For us, 2015 had been an amazing year, Color Repvblic for the first time, selling out our products on 2015 and it’s still unbelievable if we look where we are now, semua achievement yang sudah kami terima selama 1 tahun ini, bukan hanya dari hasil kerja keras kami saja, tetapi terima kasih kepada seluruh Citizens yang sudah mendukung Color Repvblic selama 1 tahun ini. 

Yes, we know, we still have such a long road to passed, 2016, may you be better.

Speaking about resolution, resolusi kerap menjadi sesuatu yang membuat kita berkaca apa yang kita sudah lakukan setahun ini. Resolution is not just an ink written in your paper or a note on your gadget, but a reminder to keep you on track this whole year. Resolutions is not something that last only for a week, but it’s a long term notes to yourself, when you feeling down, look up to your target, achieve them, don’t let them go. Maybe it is mainstream, but we believe that a people with goal in their life will be better than the one who doesn’t.

Facing 2016 is not an easy task, be more mature, be more strong, shining bright, Citizens, because no one can judge you. Live your life, starts over, and be better.

In 2015, kami berhasil meluncurkan dua jenis produk andalan yaitu, Chubby and Skinny Tintbalm and Scmoochies Lipscrub. Semoga di tahun ini, 2016, Color Repvblic bisa terus menemani kalian dengan inovasi produk yang unik, lucu, become your timeless beauty companion, and make you have a freedom in color. 

Happy New Year 2016.

p.s : we have surprise. we will reveal the surprise on our next post! Stay tune.


Color Repvblic
“freedom in color”