Sunday, February 28, 2016

What Your Lipstick Color Says About You

Hello Citizens!

Firstly, Happy Valentine’s Day, it’s February, the season of love, right?

So, in this blog post, kita akan membahas tentang makna dibalik warna tintbalm yang seringkali kamu pakai. Each of them represent different personality of you, curious? Let’s find out.

1.       Red Wine

They said, penyuka warna lipstik berwarna merah itu menyukai vintage things, personality yang dimiliki adalah berani, ambisius, a risk taker absolutely and like to work in team. Wear red and you conquer all.

2.       Merry Go Round

Hello, fans of bright pink lips! Fuschia is your favourite color, when it comes to lipstick, u always choose fuschia to save your day. You are a very social person and can make friends anywhere. Katanya, kamu adalah orang yang berdedikasi, so a hardworker, maybe?

3.       Sunkissed

You have that bubbly and bright smile, terkenal dengan orang yang paling ceria diantara teman-teman kamu, so ready for adventure, definitely a person that has positive aura.

4.       Royal Pink

A person that will grab a remote and change the channel if there is a horror movie, orang yang bijaksana jauh melampaui umur kalian. Kamu memiliki sifat empati dan ambisi yang cukup tinggi. 

5.       Coral Bliss

You always cherish every moment and grateful, a big fan of ice cream, and always have a sincere love.

6.       Noody Moody

A bit shy person, a lovers of neutral colors. Sweet and kind they said, kamu selalu ingin membawa kebahagiaan ke dalam setiap hal yang kamu kerjakan. A lovers of baby animal.

7.       Violet Love

Tempat curhat yang baik dan digemari oleh teman kalian, seseorang yang easy going, tetapi disisi lain mempunyai kepribadian yang tegas. Your opinions are realistic. Hi, quirky girl!

So, Citizens, which one are you?

This post is inspired by
Have a great day!

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